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Our story

We've been on a journey in our fight against stalking

Action Against Stalking was established as a charity in 2014 by founder, Ann Moulds, after her own experience as a victim of stalking. Action Against Stalking was set up following Ann’s successful campaign, ‘Action Scotland Against Stalking’, which resulted in major legislative changes in Scotland. 

Ann was directly responsible for Section 39 being added to the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scot) Act 2010. This clause enables crimes of stalking to be prosecuted based on both the stalker’s behaviours and the impact these have on the victim. This campaign set the blueprint for moves to change legislation in England and Wales as well as in Europe. 


Action Against Stalking seeks to advocate the rights of victims affected by stalking and bringing to light the criminal nature and impact of this crime. Action Against Stalking have been the key driver for legislative change across the UK and Europe. Through determination and hard work, stalking is now recognised as a high profile, high impact, and highly prevalent crime.
Our Key Aims and Objectives:


  • Act as intermediary between the victim and justice system, offering victims information, advice, guidance and signposting them to relevant support agencies

  • Deliver training, workshops, projects, awareness raising campaigns on the causes and impact of stalking

  • Develop early intervention strategies by addressing government and publicly funded bodies, the voluntary sector, private organisations, the general public, education and other relevant bodies, helping to contribute to subsequent reviews and feeding into policy consultations

  • Encourage governmental bodies to fulfil their obligations, legal or otherwise, to ensure the effective implementation of the stalking legislations in Scotland, England and Wales

  • Encourage statutory authorities and relevant agencies to improve response for victims of stalking

  • Connect victims, potential victims, professionals, education sectors, policy and decision-makers

  • To work with relevant national and international organisations and professionals to create a cohesive and effective proposition to combat the crime of stalking.

Action Against Stalking continues to make strides internationally and we are in regular discussions with legislators, professionals, educators and key experts across the world, sharing knowledge, raising awareness, and working towards a cohesive global response to stalking.

Action Against Stalking has contributed to some major breakthroughs in the fight against stalking:

  • The introduction of the 'Offence of Stalking' Sec 39 Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010

  • The introduction of stalking into the Council of Europe's European Convention to Combat Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence

  • The introduction of two new offences of stalking into the Protection of Freedoms Act, 2012 in England and Wales. 

© Action Against Stalking is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO No: SC044905)

Registered office: Room 2.071, University of the West of Scotland, University Avenue, Ayr, KA8 0SX

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