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0800 820 2427

Our services
These are the things we do to support victims of stalking and challenge stalking behaviours
At Action Against Stalking we are experts in what stalking is, why it's such a devastating crime, and why it's so important to support victims of stalking. We work tirelessly to provide care for victims and to increase wider understanding of the threat that stalking presents.
Our Vision:
Our vision is to eradicate all forms of stalking from our society as we believe people have the right to live a life without fear.
Our Mission
Our mission is to lead the way in advancing recognition of stalking, championing the rights of stalking victims globally and supporting those who are or have been victims of stalking.
The services we provide help us to reach our key aims and objectives.
Supporting victims
Our Throughcare Support Practitioners provide confidential, specialised, and free counselling to stalking victims.
This support is provided via our freephone service (0800 820 2427), by email (support@actionagainststalking.org) or via the Contact Form on our website. Please leave a voicemail, email, or complete our Contact Form and our Throughcare Support Team will be in touch.
We provide throughcare support through the creation and implementation of the Victim Impact Box (VIB) which allows our Throughcare Support Team to support victims through workbooks designed to stop the stalker and help victims take back control of their lives.
Stalking can happen anywhere, regardless of sex, race or social context. We provide accredited training to professionals in a range of sectors to increase understanding of the threat of stalking and how to support victims. Topics include:
Stalking Awareness
‘What is Stalking?’ and Recognising Stalking Behaviours
Stalker and Victim - Managing the dynamic interplay
Victim Impact Box - how to use it for best effect
Stalking typologies
Ex-partner stalking
Stalking in the workplace
Developing policies and procedures for handling workplace stalking
Dealing with the stalker from an organisational perspective
Awareness-raising in companies and institutions.
Our staff and trustees act as advocates for victims of stalking, giving survivors a voice in discussions on policy, legislation and practice with government, local authorities, healthcare providers, institutions and organisations in the public, private and third sectors, at a national and international level.
Educating the public
Wider understanding of the impact of stalking on victims, recognition of stalking behaviours and strategies on how to combat stalking is essential in the fight against a such a devastating crime. Action Against Stalking is committed to building public knowledge of stalking and its impact through campaigns, media engagement, projects and events.
We have created a podcast to help shine a light on the crime of stalking by interviewing professionals, researchers and victim-survivors to hear about their experiences. The podcast is hosted by Karen and Shelcy and brought to you by Action Against Stalking. New episodes will be released monthly so be sure to check them out here.
We understand the importance of robust, peer-reviewed research into all aspects of stalking and its impact of people's lives. Through the Centre for Action Against Stalking, our annual conference and other projects, we seek to engage with academics, criminal justice organisations, law makers and others, worldwide, to increase evidence-based understanding of stalking, the most effective ways of challenging its behaviours and supporting its victims.