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Help and support

Our primary purpose is to support victims of stalking

Stalking is a devastating crime for victims. Its effects can be hugely traumatic. At Action Against Stalking, we understand the psychological, physical, emotional and financial impact a stalker can have. We provide professional care and support for victims as they seek to regain control of their lives. 

Action Against Stalking offers a unique Throughcare Stalking Support Service to highly vulnerable and often traumatised stalking victims.


We aim to help victims take back control and move on with their lives, offering emotional and practical support from experienced professionals.

Get In Touch With Our Throughcare Support Team


If you or someone you know requires support then please contact us for free, professional, and confidential support by email: , complete the Contact Form or by phone: 0800 820 2427 (please be aware that this is a voicemail service and you will be offered the chance to leave a message and the Throughcare Support Team will call you back).  


Our practitioners use mobile phones and will always text or email first to let you know the number they will be calling you from - if you don’t want the team to leave you a voicemail then please let us know when you leave us a message. We will text or email you if we call and you don’t answer so you know the call came from us. 


We aim to get back to you within 3 working days and we will listen to your story and arrange a meeting by phone or video-call with one of our practitioners where appropriate. 


If you or anyone else is in immediate danger you should always call 999 if you are in the UK or 112 in the EU, outside these areas you can look up emergency numbers here  

Our Pledge


At Action Against Stalking, your concerns will be listened to and taken seriously. We provide professional care and support for people as they seek to regain control of their lives. You can talk to us, free from the burden of having to convince anyone that what you are experiencing is real. 

The Throughcare team pledge to our service users:

  • We will listen to you, take you seriously and do our best to understand your situation and the impact of your experiences.

  • We will do our utmost to ensure we offer an inclusive, welcoming, and accessible service. 

  • We will keep any information you choose to share with us safe. 

  • We will offer appropriate advice, support, and information within the time frame that we agree with you.

  • We will work with you, and support you to take back control and feel able to move on with your life.


We work with multiple agencies to provide a wholly integrated throughcare service. We understand how difficult it can be to report stalking to the Police and we are here to advocate and support you with this.  


We are here to support and empower anyone who is experiencing stalking. We understand that stalking is a devastating crime with far-reaching and long-lasting effects and the psychological, physical, emotional, and financial impact a stalker can have.  


Action Against stalking recognises that clients with some protected characteristics (e.g. identifying as LGBTQI+ or as a member of a particular race, nationality or religion) may face additional barriers in accessing support and reporting to the police. We are committed to supporting each person who chooses to access our service in the most empowering and effective way possible. We understand that anyone can experience stalking, but also that your experience of it will be unique to you. If there is anything we can do to make our service more accessible to you, please contact us and we will do our best to help. You can ask us as many questions as you like before you choose whether to engage with us. 

Throughcare Support Contact Form

If you are currently the target of stalking behaviours, or have been in the past, and would like to explore what support is available from Action Against Stalking, please use the link below to connect with our Throughcare Service. You’ll only be asked for your name, email address and phone number and we will get in touch as soon as possible. 

You can self-refer to our service here.

If you are a professional or organisation that wishes to refer to us please complete the professional referral form.

© Action Against Stalking is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO No: SC044905)

Registered office: Room 2.071, University of the West of Scotland, University Avenue, Ayr, KA8 0SX

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